Military Law
Lab Firm offers legal assistance in military law is military criminal law on the whole national territory both in the matter of exclusively military crimes and for crimes that transcend the purely military sphere and fall under the discipline of the criminal code. LabFirm lawyers also offer legal assistance in favor of the cd. extraneus who contributed to the military, even on leave, in the carrying out of the criminal offenses provided for by Title III of the criminal code (crimes against military discipline).
LabFirm offers assistance in disciplinary proceedings against the personnel of the Armed Forces and Police Forces for any violation of service duties and military discipline since the disputes of the charges pursuant to art. 1370 com through the drafting of defense briefs, hierarchical appeals and appeals before the TAR in the event of the imposition of a body disciplinary sanction (recall, reprimand, surrender, delivery of rigor) or state (disciplinary suspension from employment, disciplinary suspension from functions, termination of firm or firm, loss of rank).