By summons, the GUP at the Juvenile Court of B. sued the minor V. to answer for the crime of slander because, knowing he was innocent, he accused A. of the crimes referred to in articles 612 and 581 of the criminal code: in particular he filed a complaint with the Carabinieri station of A. against A. stating that the same "put his hand around his neck, pushing him towards the wall and then slapped him twice in the face and in a threatening tone said if you talk again I'll kill you". During the hearing, the accused deposited IT advice drawn up by the consultants appointed by Avv. Gianfranco Rotondo who denied the statements made by the numerous prosecution witnesses, thus not being able to prove the criminal responsibility of the accused V. Specifically, the statements made by all the witnesses offered two versions of the events totally divergent from each other but both likely and above all , the main prosecution witness, cited pursuant to art. 507 cpp, could not be heard, as objected by the defense, as enforced in violation of articles 63 and following of the cpp. In light of this, in the impossibility of reaching a declaration of guilt of the accused beyond any reasonable doubt, also in light of the computer report on Facebook conversation produced by the defense and the legal impossibility of hearing the main witness of the accusation, the accused was acquitted for lack of the fact.
Defamation and the Web

Gianfranco Round
L’Avv. Gianfranco Rotondo, abilitato al patrocinio davanti alle Magistrature Superiori, svolge il nobile ufficio difensivo in materia di diritto penale prevalentemente in Bari ed in Roma dinanzi alla Suprema Corte di Cassazione; si è occupato di controversie di rilievo mediatico nazionale, tra cui il tentato omicidio O. (subentrando nella difesa davanti alla Corte di Appello di Torino) e l’Operazione Mondi Connessi dinanzi alla Corte d’Assise di Catania.