Insurance Fraud: Does It Really Help Make You Rich?
Come è ben risaputo, in caso di incendio a danno di beni immobili, come edifici o altre costruzioni, e mobili, per esempio le automobili, l’assicurazione
Come è ben risaputo, in caso di incendio a danno di beni immobili, come edifici o altre costruzioni, e mobili, per esempio le automobili, l’assicurazione
Lo Studio in previsione della fusione con aumento di capitale con MEDILEGALINK Società tra Avvocati e Medici seleziona fra le seguenti figure: – Avvocati civilisti
La Corte d’Appello, dopo aver rinnovato l’istruttoria dibattimentale, assolveva il ginecologo per non aver commesso il fatto dal reato di falso per soppressione di una
Today we will face a case treated by our firm C. is sued to answer for the crime referred to in art. 570 criminal code and the
Today we will face a case related to the violation of the DASPO dealt with by our study The Daspo is a provision which prohibits people
Outrage to a public official: Decriminalized but not too much Today we will face a case treated by our Firm The case: Mrs S., social health worker,
Negligent liability for death or personal injury in health care. Alternative causal courses and causal factors interfering in the production of the event The case: The Court of
It must always be checked whether the conduct, omitted by the doctor, would have prevented or significantly delayed the occurrence of the event.
Medical liability: The most favorable law is always valid for the doctor The case: The Court of Appeal, in reform of the acquittal provision
It is not enough for the doctor to identify the existing pathology if he is not able to exclude the alternative pathology The case: The Court of Appeal
registered EUIPO
Legalink Company Lawyers a r.l. socio unico
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