The ddl Zan involves the insertion of art. 604-bis of the Italian penal code, which punishes the propaganda and incitement to commit a crime for reasons of racial discrimination, ethnic and religious, of the punishment for those who encourage and incite to commit crime for reasons of discrimination based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.
The current wording of art. 604-bis of the penal code provides for a penalty of up to four years ' imprisonment for anyone who, in any way, incites to commit or commit violence or acts of provocation to violence on the grounds of racial, ethnic, national or religious. The penalty is even high up to six years ' imprisonment for those who promote or direct such organizations, associations, movements or groups.
The penalty is up to six years ' imprisonment, but with an increase in the minimum edittale equal to two years, if the propaganda or incitement and incitement is based in whole or in part on the denial, the minimization so serious about the apology of the Holocaust or of the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, as defined by art. 6, 7 and 8 of the statute of the international criminal Court.
A further aggravation of the sentence, as also expected from the ddl Zan, is contained in art. 604-ter of the penal code that has an interesting aspect in the matter of mitigating circumstances to the responsible entity that can never be considered to be the most prevalent, even equivalent with respect to the aggravating circumstance special effect referred to in the first subparagraph.
The first paragraph of art. 604-ter of the penal code states that for any of the offences punishable by a penalty different from that of life imprisonment committed for the purpose of discrimination or hatred of ethnic, national, racial or religious group, or in order to facilitate the activities of organizations, associations, movements or groups that have among their purposes the same purposes, the penalty is increased by half.
In other words, the guilty of discrimination based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability, in the case of the entry into force of the amendment to the legislation, could not see applied mitigating circumstances in his favor.
In yesterday's session has been approved, a further amendment which clarifies that sexual orientation refers to the sexual attraction or emotional towards people of the opposite sex, the same sex, or both sexes, whereas gender identity refers to the identification, perceived and manifested itself in relation to the genre, even if it is not the sex, regardless of whether you have completed a transition path.
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Homophobia: what does the bill
Gianfranco Round
L’Avv. Gianfranco Rotondo, abilitato al patrocinio davanti alle Magistrature Superiori, svolge il nobile ufficio difensivo in materia di diritto penale prevalentemente in Bari ed in Roma dinanzi alla Suprema Corte di Cassazione; si è occupato di controversie di rilievo mediatico nazionale, tra cui il tentato omicidio O. (subentrando nella difesa davanti alla Corte di Appello di Torino) e l’Operazione Mondi Connessi dinanzi alla Corte d’Assise di Catania.